by Mathieu Cerqueira | Feb 16, 2018
Pedagogical demonstration model for the SNCF Maintenance Workshop Department Specifications SNCF asked us to create a model to trace the actions of an operator when he intervenes on a faulty train. To help us design it, SNCF gave us the following brief: on the model,...
by Mathieu Cerqueira | Feb 16, 2018
REALIZATION OF THE MODEL OF OVH BUILDINGS The company OVH, famous French host based in Roubaix, entrusted us with the project of making the model of his future building. It has also been presented to employees of the company. Who is OVH? If you have a professional...
by Mathieu Cerqueira | Feb 16, 2018
REALIZATION OF THE MODEL OF THE HOUSE OF RADIO A long time building site In 2003, the Paris Prefect of Police ordered the evacuation of the central tower of the house of the radio which was no longer fire-rated, following the conclusions of a study showing that the...
by Mathieu Cerqueira | Feb 16, 2018
MODEL OF THE FIRST FLOATING HOTEL IN PARIS An innovative project The first ever floating hotel opened in 2016 in Paris, Austerlitz. Named OFF Paris Seine, this project is led by designer Christophe Galineau (Citysurfing), architect Gérard Ronzatti (Seine Design),...